So you are having problem with ROS

Do not worry, we all have been there.

Maybe the command roslaunch + TAB is not listing your custom .launch file?
Maybe it’s rostopic list that still, after checking ten times that the .msg definitions are correct, refuses to acknowledge that there are new types of messages available.
You can’t rosrun your node, but the cmake configuration of your package is there, as well as the .xml file.
Catkin also builds without errors so why the hell is this not working?

It can drive a man crazy, but I might have the solution of your problems:

The command to rule them all

$ source devel/setup.bash

You forgot about it, be honest.

It may not work all the time, but it comes pretty close to that.
You can also choose the nuclear option and completely delete the build and devel folders, then $ catkin_make again. This often solves the problem in case you transfered a package from one machine to another by saving the whole workspace.

As always:

remember to $ source devel/setup.bash